$BRRR is Now Unlocked: What Does This Mean?

Burrow Finance
3 min readJun 2, 2022


In the lastest “Introducing $BRRR Staking” post we wrote,

When will $BRRR become unlocked? Or, when does the $BRRR pre-mining period end?

Coming very soon! In the initial tokenomics post, we have outlined that the pre-mining period will happen during the first month of Burrow’s launch and officially end via a DAO vote. This was to ensure that the community would have plenty of time to access $BRRR before it hit the market. As soon as next week, a DAO proposal will go up to officially end the pre-mining period. From then on, $BRRR will become transferable and tradeable!

After over a month of pre-mining, $BRRR is finally unlocked. With a successful vote by the Burrow DAO to make $BRRR withdrawable, Burrow’s pre-mining period has officially come to an end.

$BRRR is now withdrawable and transferable, ready for a new life out in the world!

Will there be a lockup period, or an IDO/price discovery event for $BRRR?

Nope! Your tokens have been unlocked and are free to go. No strings attached.

How can I get my $BRRR tokens?

First, go to the “Portfolio” tab

If you have accumulated $BRRR rewards on Burrow, all you have to do is go to the “Portfolio” tab and click “Withdraw,” just like with any other asset. You will then see your $BRRR in your NEAR wallet.

Click “Withdraw”

If you can’t find $BRRR on the list of assets on your “Portfolio” page, go to the “Staking” page and claim your $BRRR rewards first.

Click “Claim All”

I participated in a “Burrow IDO” on another platform, how can I get my $BRRR tokens?

Burrow has not done any official IDOs, nor does it plan to. If you purchased $BRRR off of external platforms prior to the unlock, please inquire directly with the platforms themselves about your tokens.

What can I do with my $BRRR?

On Burrow, you can…

*Read this article to learn more: https://burrowcash.medium.com/introducing-brrr-staking-bdb9820d91b6

  • Additionally, with $xBRRR you will soon be able to VOTE on how Burrow operates and manages its treasury


  • $BRRR listing on NEAR DEXes & farms
  • $BRRR integration on Aurora
  • $BRRR listing on CEXes
  • And more!

And don’t forget: if you own one of these Mr. BRRR NFT vouchers, soon you will be able to redeem them for 100 $BRRR each. Or, you can hold them forever and achieve Burrow h.O.G. status with perks (Join our Discord and get verified ✅).

1 Mr. BRRR = 100 $BRRR

Stay tuned for more information.

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